Accounts for

My EP Assignments

Ready to Get Started?

Click the image to go to Paypal to donate any amount. Please realize that these donations are Lee's family's income. My recommendation is $15 for your family if you are able, but it's not required. Most do not donate, so we do appreciate your donation! But otherwise, you can just click cancel.

If you continue to use this in future years, consider making another donation to Lee's family in the future.

On the All-in-One Homeschool sites there is a way to donate to the expense of running the curriculum.


  1. You just need one account for your family.
  2. Use the image above to go to Paypal. It will redirect you to the registration page, even if you hit cancel.
  3. Didn't get redirected? Click here for help.
  4. Use an email address you can check if you ever forget your password.
  5. Thanks for using our program!

Learn More about Getting an Account